Priya Pahwa priyapahwa

GitHub Campus Expert
  • National Institute of Technology Hamirpur
  • Hamirpur

Becoming an Expert

Becoming an Expert

How to complete the application to become a GitHub Campus Expert.

Becoming an Expert



An introduction to Campus Experts and campus communities.


Inclusive Communities

Inclusive Communities

How to start creating inclusive communities on campus.

Inclusive Communities

Information Design

Information Design

How to design workshops, worksheets, and other learning experiences from first principles.

Information Design

Public Speaking

Public Speaking

How to speak publicly, from writing a talk to wowing an audience.

Public Speaking

Introduction to Git

Introduction to Git

Take your first steps with Git, versioning your files and collaborating with confidence.

Introduction to Git

Community Impact

Community Impact

Apply what you've learnt by making a plan for the future of your community.

Community Impact

About Priya

Priya Pahwa is pursuing a Bachelor of Technology with a major in Electronics and Communication Engineering from the National Institute of Technology Hamirpur or NITH located in the dense pine forests and low-lying hills of Himachal Pradesh state in India.

Having a keen interest in web development, she has a sound knowledge of Django Web and Django REST Frameworks. What keeps her heart awake is a colorful silence while engaging in the fine details of sketching and painting, the music of visuals, and the harmony with thoughts.

A firm believer in knowledge and experiences being the commodities to share, she has been a part of the core technical community of her institute since her freshman year. From her standpoint, a diverse community welcomes a variety of perspectives, those perspectives spark collaboration, collaboration fuels change, and embracing change fires the path to innovation.



web development

Recent events

Djangonaut Space - Session 3

Djangonaut Space is a free, 8-week group mentoring program where individuals have the opportunity to delve into the core Django library, explore third-party packages, and contribute to open-source projects in a collaborative environment alongside fellow explorers. As a Djangonaut, a mentee is paired with a seasoned Navigator and Captain, the Django experts who will be the guiding light through the intricacies of the framework. This personalized mentorship will equip the Djangonauts with the knowledge and skills to contribute effectively to the Django community in the future.

Mentorship Program

Remote, Global

Electrothon 5.0

Taking moonshots is no smooth sailing. It’s an inherently unpredictable ride. As we launch the 5th lunation of Electrothon, we strive for nothing less than the moon. Run by the student community - SPEC under the moonlight of NIT Hamirpur, Electrothon has impacted over 5000 sapiens. The Electrothon buzz had reached Area 51 and the alien fraternity wanted to join. However, they were quarantined because of the pandemic. But the sapiens who joined left no stone unturned to ideate and amalgamate technologies that transfigure visions into reality.


Hamirpur, India

Boardroom for Hackers

What light is to a moth, a hackathon is to innovation. Targeting freshmen, a *Hackathon Culture Awareness Meet-up$ is being organized to handle all kinds of doubts about hackathon eco-system.


Hamirpur, India

Breakout Brigade

Knock, Knock! Kickstart the freshmen journey by taking a plunge into designers domicile, hardware habitat, resume requisites, and demystifying development.


Hamirpur, India

Git and GitHub Workshop

Dive deeper into open-source during Hacktoberfest by exploring Git and GitHub.


Hamirpur, India

All about GitHub Campus Experts Program

The live information session envisioned to enhance community building will cover the essential details of the GitHub Campus Experts’ application process including eligibility requirements, timeline, lesser-known perks and some quick tips followed by addressing the queries of the live audience.


Hamirpur, India

Recent activity


Taking moonshots is no smooth sailing. It’s an inherently unpredictable ride. As we launch the 5th lunation of Electrothon, we strive for nothing less than the moon. Run by the student community - SPEC under the moonlight of NIT Hamirpur, Electrothon has impacted over 5000 sapiens. The Electrothon buzz of had reached Area 51 and the alien fraternity wanted to join. However, they were quarantined because of the pandemic. But the sapiens who joined left no stone unturned to ideate and amalgamate technologies that transfigure visions into reality.


Challenge Centauri is a series of competitions comprising mini-events prior to the ultimate saga - Electrothon. The Centauri consists of three distinct challenge tracks that include the Mascot Design Challenge, the GitHub Glory Challenge, and the Web Star Challenge.


Prepare for liftoff, because Team SPEC is taking you on a journey through the stars to explore the world of open source at BoardRoom for Hackers 2.0: Orbit of Open-Source. Explore topics such as GSoC, MLH Fellowship, Outreachy, LFX Mentorship, and GitHub Octernships to dive into the FOSS field and also crack the code to be a part of international conferences. By the end of the event, attendees will have gained a deeper understanding of open source programs, their role in community building, and how to leverage these opportunities to advance their careers in technology.


Careers in open source are incredibly rewarding and offer unique opportunities to work with a global community of developers and users. launching GitHub Octernships, a new global program for students to gain real-world experience on open source and software development projects.


Knowledge is love and light and vision. ~Hellen Keller Abiding by the supreme duty of a human being to help the denizens of darkness emerge out to the bright shimmering sun, Literacy Mission has the vision to adorn the lives of kids who cannot afford the basic amenities of life and reside in the nearby slums with a garland of free education so that their childhood would remain as precious as that of other children.


What light is to a moth, a hackathon is to innovation. But what is a hackathon? It’s more than just a tech competition. It’s more than just a desire to outperform others. To tell the college freshmen precisely what it is like, Team SPEC holds a Hackathon Culture Awareness Meet-up to handle all kinds of doubts about hackathons. Be it about the weak nerves of competing for the first time, or the curiosity of what’s in it for ‘me’ (from the freshmen pov), we shall cover it all.


Knock Knock! Team SPEC brings something that will knock the imagination off its perch. Presenting, Breakout Brigade - a novice concept of breakout rooms where each one of the attendee is not just a listener but a speaker as well. Kickstart the freshmen journey by taking a plunge into the best of all worlds of engineering.


The hands-on workshop is precisely curated for assisting student developers to understand the basics of Git and GitHub. The beginner-friendly in-person session also dives deeper into the beauty of open-source during Hacktoberfest.


Thriving to create a change in society and target young minds, a workshop is being organized for high school students of Hamirpur. With the objective of reaching under-served students of government institutions, the notion of Udantya in itself is to go beyond the limits.


The live information session envisioned to enhance community building will brief the viewers on the All about GitHub Campus Experts Program. From covering the essential details of the process including eligibility requirements, application timeline, and lesser-known perks of the program, to addressing the queries of the live audience, some quick tips will also be discussed with the applicants.