Alfeo Raymond Pheogrammer

Github Campus Expert
  • College of Business Education (CBE)
  • Dar es salaam, Tanzania

Becoming an Expert

Becoming an Expert

How to complete the application to become a GitHub Campus Expert.

Becoming an Expert



An introduction to Campus Experts and campus communities.


Inclusive Communities

Inclusive Communities

How to start creating inclusive communities on campus.

Inclusive Communities

Information Design

Information Design

How to design workshops, worksheets, and other learning experiences from first principles.

Information Design

Public Speaking

Public Speaking

How to speak publicly, from writing a talk to wowing an audience.

Public Speaking

Introduction to Git

Introduction to Git

Take your first steps with Git, versioning your files and collaborating with confidence.

Introduction to Git

Community Impact

Community Impact

Apply what you've learnt by making a plan for the future of your community.

Community Impact

About Pheo

A Software Developer by profession who loves to build and give life to ideas and is a purpose-driven person who prioritizes quality, consistency, and assurance.

A Teacher by passion who has achieved a lot through helping, teaching others and contributing to community building activities.


He is a Software Developer at the University of Dar es salaam.

He is a coordinator for the SmartGirlz in ICT programme in Tanzania, a programme that aims at STEM capacity building and creating career awareness for young girls in secondary schools.

He is an OpenSource Contributor and maintainer at Laravel-lang, Ubuntu and FreeCodeCamp

He is a student, studying Bachelor’s Degree in IT at CBE Dar es salaam Campus.

He is skilled in Web & Mobile Applications and Systems Development, APIs and Systems Integration, Automation with CI/CD practices, Database administration and Servers Configurations & Management, Systems Analysis, Technical Documentation, and IT Technical Training, Support & Consultation.

Linkedin: Pheogrammer followers views website


technical writing

Recent events


Hack-to-be-first is an event that will be held in October during Hacktoberfest, with the purpose of bringing together students who share an interest in open-source technologies.


Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Community Unfold

Community Unfold is an outreach event for local communities which aims to start, empower new communities and bring together the leaders to exchange skills and learn.


Dar es salaam, Tanzania

Africas Talking Summit

our first in-person mini-summit created to facilitate collaboration and innovation between our customers and industry at all levels. Learn customer engagement best practices by creating solutions that grow your business.


Dar es salaam, Tanzania

DevOps Practices

exploring the best DevOps practice from the experts in the field. wi will be having the Lead DevOps engineer from Tobii Technologies (Sweden) who will share with us on how they use DevOps to automate and integrate the processes between software development and IT teams.


Dar es salaam, Tanzania


This is a BootCamp program where beginners from various tech backgrounds meet and learn through practicals and hands-on exercises for the goal of building experience and skills in their area of expertise.


Dar es salaam, Tanzania

LeGit Hackathon

event which focuses on introducing people into the world of Version Controls and teaching them on how to perform and automate software development in a collaborative way by using GitHub 🚩


Dar es salaam, Tanzania

DevFest GDG Daressalaam

GDG DevFest Dar es Salaam brings together people who are shaping the future of Android, Web, IoT - Robotics, AI and Cloud technologies for a full day of sessions, workshops and networking.


Dar es salaam, Tanzania

Data Tamasha

A biennial event that showcases the role of data in development and how data can make a difference in our community.


Dar es salaam, Tanzania

Recent activity

CurioDar BootCamp

CurioDar BootCamp is an event organized by a support of GitHub and a collaboration with UDICTi and Youth for Children Innovation Hub in Dar es salaam.


LeGit is a Hackathon event which focuses on introducing people into the world of Version Controls and teaching them on how to perform and automate software development in a collaborative way by using GitHub.

DevFest GDG Dar es salaam

GDG Dar es Salaam is a community for developers who are interested in Google’s developer technology; everything from Android, Chrome, Drive, Google Cloud, Machine Learning, Tensor Flow, Flutter, Kotlin and much more

Data Tamasha

Data Tamasha is a biennial event that showcases the role of data in development and how data can make a difference in our community. It brings together data enthusiasts, leaders and practitioners across industries, private and public sector, academia, and civil society organizations.