Avinal Kumar avinal

GitHub Campus Expert
  • National Institute of Technology Hamirpur
  • Hamirpur

Becoming an Expert

Becoming an Expert

How to complete the application to become a GitHub Campus Expert.

Becoming an Expert



An introduction to Campus Experts and campus communities.


Inclusive Communities

Inclusive Communities

How to start creating inclusive communities on campus.

Inclusive Communities

Information Design

Information Design

How to design workshops, worksheets, and other learning experiences from first principles.

Information Design

Public Speaking

Public Speaking

How to speak publicly, from writing a talk to wowing an audience.

Public Speaking

Introduction to Git

Introduction to Git

Take your first steps with Git, versioning your files and collaborating with confidence.

Introduction to Git

Community Impact

Community Impact

Apply what you've learnt by making a plan for the future of your community.

Community Impact

About Avinal

Avinal is a Software Engineer at Red Hat and an alumnus of the National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur. A dedicated Open Sourcerer, he also serves as a Google Summer of Code Mentor. His contributions to the open-source community include work on The FOSSology Project during the Google Summer of Code 2021 and VideoLAN during the Google Season of Docs 2020.

Professionally, Avinal is passionate about advanced topics in Computer Science, Mathematics, and Physics and is deeply involved in the Open-Source ecosystem. He has served as a pivotal coordinator for GLUG-NITH (GNU/Linux Users Group), the Open Community of NITH, and has held the position of President of CSEC (Computer Science Engineers’ Community), the official society of DoCSE. He also served as the Head Hindi Editor at SRIJAN, the official magazine of NITH.

In his spare time, Avinal likes to read and learn new things. He likes working on side projects, going to talks, writing blogs and watching documentaries to stay ahead of the curve in tech, physics, and maths.

Connect with him on:


technical writing
github actions

Recent events

Lightning Talks - OSM

Lightning talks by Open Source contributors who have contributed to some awesome projects where they will share their experiences and work.


Hamirpur, India

Writing a Good Proposal - OSM

How should you contribute and make your proposals and many other mind-boggling questions!!


Hamirpur, India

Contributing to Open Source - OSM

In this next session of OSM, we are providing you with qualified speakers to resolve all your doubts and queries about contributing to open source.


Hamirpur, India

Git and Open Source Workflow - OSM

Grab your gears and get ready for learning git from basics to advanced and everything about the open-source workflow.


Hamirpur, India

Introduction to Open Source - OSM

To expose the young minds to the glorious world of opportunities and advancements, GLUG is here with its first event of the Open Source Month(OSM) on Introduction to Open Source and Open Source Programs.


Hamirpur, India

Open Source Month (OSM)

From learning the foundations of Git and GitHub to picking an organization, creating a solid proposal, contacting mentors, code, and workflow in open-source projects (like GSoC, GSoD, JuliaSoC, etc.), OSM will admit an enthralling journey of developers.


Hamirpur, India


The session will cover campus experts preparation, application tips, perks & benefits, and more!


Banmankhi, India

Recent activity