Marleni mchavana

Campus Expert
  • Smith College
  • Northampton, MA

About Marleni

Marleni is a student studying at Smith College and a board member of the organization, Smithies in CS. Marleni is also the Residential life Social Justice and Equity Chair (SJE) and member of the Society of Women Engineers.


Recent events

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Reach out to Marleni to see if they are organizing something 🍳

Recent activity

Join the Peer Mentorship Program

Smithies in CS’s Peer Mentorship Program was created to allow upperclassman CS majors to share their experiences, help students navigate the major, and just be there for support! The goal of this program is to give students someone to go to for questions about CS in general, the resources we have in the department, internship opportunities, study abroad advice, etc.

Come to HackSmith

Come join other students at Smith College’s Hackathon, HackSmith on April 7 - 8. Though this hackathon is focused on providing a space for women and non binary identifying individuals, all students are welcome to participate. It is also open to students of all levels, as we are running workshops for students looking to learn new skills like Intro to Gaming and a GitHub Basics workshop. We are also holding activities like the #myoctocat contest, sponsored by GitHub, and a stress free area for people who want to take a break from the competition. Food from local restaurants will be provided, and travel reimbursement will be given to eligible students. To register and for more information visit:

Lunch Series

Come to the Smithies in CS Lunch Series! We are holding a series of workshops and talks dedicated to topics in the tech scene. These include: How to Linked In, How to write a technical resume, How to get a tech internship, and more! They happen every week on either Tuesday or Thursday from 12:15 - 1:00 pm in Seeyle Hall room 109. Lunch will be provided. Check out our Facebook page to get updates and find out this weeks event!

Come to the Ice Cream Social

Smithies in CS is hosting an ice cream social for Smithies and people in the 5 college tech community to meet the board and each other. Come to the Smith College’s Campus Center TV lounge on September 25th from 7 - 8:30. We’ll have chocolate, vanilla, Raspberry Sorbet (milk free), and cookies and cream. We’ll also have allergy free toppings (no nuts). Stay tuned on the Smithies in CS Facebook Page for updates and more info!