• Lovely Professional University
  • Jalandhar

Becoming an Expert

Becoming an Expert

How to complete the application to become a GitHub Campus Expert.

Becoming an Expert



An introduction to Campus Experts and campus communities.


Inclusive Communities

Inclusive Communities

How to start creating inclusive communities on campus.

Inclusive Communities

Information Design

Information Design

How to design workshops, worksheets, and other learning experiences from first principles.

Information Design

Public Speaking

Public Speaking

How to speak publicly, from writing a talk to wowing an audience.

Public Speaking

Introduction to Git

Introduction to Git

Take your first steps with Git, versioning your files and collaborating with confidence.

Introduction to Git

Community Impact

Community Impact

Apply what you've learnt by making a plan for the future of your community.

Community Impact

About Vishal

Born and raised in Tripura, Vishal Das is a GitHub Campus Expert and a Mozillian from India. He’s a undergrad student in Computer Science. He is responsible of Mozilla Punjab Community. The bulk of what he is doing for Mozilla consists of Community Engagement, Education and Open Design. A variety of daily tasks for him include front end development, web layout and design, print and. He likes to share techniques, learn and promote, ideas on development workflow and sometimes random thoughts. When he’s not busy at work he loves spending time outdoors, traveling to far-off places, Designing and Photography.


web development
cyber security
community building
public speaking

Recent events

Autumn Hacks

We organized Autumn Hacks last year last year to make Hackathons inclusive for everyone. The result was so overwhelming, that we had huge demand to do it again this year. Tough times, but good part is this year we’re opening it to whole India!


Autumn Hacks, India

Local Hack Day Share Jalandhar

Share Day is a global demo day focused on highlighting the achievements of your community. Over the course of 12 hours, attendees will put the finishing touches on their current projects and participate in a global project showcase.


Jalandhar, India


A 24 hour running hackathon wherein people built useful products.


Jalandhar, India

GitHub India Meetup

GitHub’s first ever meetup in the Country!


Bengaluru, India

Hello Freshers!

Welcoming Fresh ideas and contributors in the College!


Jalandhar, India

Diving Into Open Source

In order to promote Open Source and the mission of Mozilla, Mozilla Punjab is organizing a two day event on Open Source Technologies. The event is open to all and is aimed towards increasing advocacy about Open Source and encouraging students to contribute to Open Source.


Jalandhar, India

Recent activity

Dive Into Open Source

Had been quite some time since our last event. And in the mean time, I had completed my training and accepted as a GCE. This was my first event as a GCE. Although I had prepared for more, the results were not dissapointing, ofcourse we expected more attendees to show up as we were doing a very big workshop, free of cost, but the amount of attendees, were delightful, the best part was that we got more quality attendees and gathering a crowd. Introduced them to the student developer pack and introduced them to education[dot]github[themagicalcharacter]com. All in all, it was a great experience, got to learn a lot, found rooms of improvement :sparkles: