• University of Nigeria Nsukka
  • Nsukka

Becoming an Expert

Becoming an Expert

How to complete the application to become a GitHub Campus Expert.

Becoming an Expert



An introduction to Campus Experts and campus communities.


Inclusive Communities

Inclusive Communities

How to start creating inclusive communities on campus.

Inclusive Communities

Information Design

Information Design

How to design workshops, worksheets, and other learning experiences from first principles.

Information Design

Public Speaking

Public Speaking

How to speak publicly, from writing a talk to wowing an audience.

Public Speaking

Introduction to Git

Introduction to Git

Take your first steps with Git, versioning your files and collaborating with confidence.

Introduction to Git

Community Impact

Community Impact

Apply what you've learnt by making a plan for the future of your community.

Community Impact

About Godspeed

Godspeed is an Economics major at the University of Nigeria Nsukka. He loves to help students jump-start a career in tech by often coordinating a host of activities alongside other community leaders on his campus and the community at large. He is product manager, an AIESECer and loves motorsports, podcasts, books & the Internet


ui/ux design
version control (git & github)
product management
content curation

Recent events

Codewars II

A second edition of a community-wide code challenge activity - Codewars for the community, helping folks improve their problem-solving neurons. Having this activity remote allows us to have more interactions around knowledge sharing and a better time frame.

Code Challenge

remote, Nigeria

Build On 2020

This is a virtual unconference for the campus tech community in Nigeria and beyond with the aim of creating a virtual space for interactions for students in tertiary institutions for knowledge sharing and collaboration to help spread and grow tech in Africa.


The internet, Nigeria

Unity in Reality

The Unity in Reality event is focused around the Creation of Games for various platforms(Mobile, PCs, Consoles, Standalone) and Mixed Realities (Augmented and Virtual) using various Technology stacks and tools (mainly Unity technologies) and improving its growth and adoption rate among software developers and tech enthusiasts and getting them to adopt them in open source projects and production-ready apps(Games and MR) with its promise of ease of scalability and single manageable code base that deploys to multiple platforms.


Nsukka, Nigeria

Road to Flutter

The Road to Flutter event is focused around the flutter UI Library from Google and improving its growth and adoption rate amongst software developers and tech enthusiasts and getting them to adopt them in open source projects and production-ready apps with its promise of ease of scalability and single manageable code base that deploys to multiple platforms.


Enugu, Nigeria


A design sprint simulation for growing UI/UX designers to help them improve their learning process with individual and team design sprints with the aim of getting them to understand the goal of usability and UX research done right. A sequel to She Designs and Figma Design UNN.

design sprint

Nsukka, Nigeria

Nerd Fest

This is an event centered around 3 panel sessions with discussions centered around technology, design, and community building with themes such as. Growing as a developer. Design is more than creativity. Going from zero to one with peer learning These themes to help inspire and educate both upcoming and experienced student developers on ways to improve and get the best out of their technology journey. It also features an AMA session too.

Technology Event

Nsukka, Nigeria

AI for You

Everything about getting started with AI. Useful tutorials and resources on AI, deep learning and machine learning with the aim of helping people navigate their way through their learning process, including little test python projects.


Nsukka, Nigeria

Code Wars *enter into the ninja*

A hacker-centric party centered around katas from codewars.com with the aim of fostering healthy growth through active challenges designed to help attendees strengthen their understanding of core fundamentals in the programming language of their choice.

Coding Contest

Nsukka, Nigeria

GCP Study Jam

This two-day event on getting started on the Google Cloud, for newbies and professionals who don’t know where to begin? Using the official Google training workshop modules, a $55+ value, free of charge Qwiklabs Coupons.

Study Jam

Nsukka, Nigeria

Knowing your Stack

A technology event centered around three workshops - Web, Android, Git and GitHub(zero to one) and getting people to understand the basics of selecting a stack for their careers in technology

Community Event

Ilorin, Nigeria


A beginner focused workshop on JavaScript Basics and everything JavaScript


Nsukka, Nigeria

Recent activity

No recent activity

Godspeed has yet to plant their flag 🚩.