• Manipal University Jaipur
  • Jaipur, India

Becoming an Expert

Becoming an Expert

How to complete the application to become a GitHub Campus Expert.

Becoming an Expert



An introduction to Campus Experts and campus communities.


Inclusive Communities

Inclusive Communities

How to start creating inclusive communities on campus.

Inclusive Communities

Information Design

Information Design

How to design workshops, worksheets, and other learning experiences from first principles.

Information Design

Public Speaking

Public Speaking

How to speak publicly, from writing a talk to wowing an audience.

Public Speaking

Introduction to Git

Introduction to Git

Take your first steps with Git, versioning your files and collaborating with confidence.

Introduction to Git

Community Impact

Community Impact

Apply what you've learnt by making a plan for the future of your community.

Community Impact

About Nitanshu

Nitanshu is a software developer and an undergraduate student from Manipal University. He likes to play with computers and explore different technologies. Learning new things is one of his keen interests. Apart from that, he likes to read, try out different types of food and exercise sometimes.

Connect with: * LinkedIn * GitHub



Recent events

MUJ Hacks 4.0

It’s an annual event organized by the MUJ ACM S-CHAP, the largest technical club of Manipal University Jaipur. The goal we have always set for ourselves has been to encourage students to bring out their creative sides and explore the various domains so that they can figure out which one is best suited for them and incorporate it all together in a way that can help the current society.


Jaipur, India

Techstars Startup Weekend Jaipur

Techstars Startup Weekend is a 54-hour programme from Friday night to Sunday morning that brings together designers, developers, entrepreneurs, and experts from all domains to do amazing things. Together we help accelerate the pace of innovation by strengthening the path for developers, providing support for entrepreneurial communities, and helping to grow the worldwide development ecosystem.


Jaipur, India

Battle of Keyboards Hackathon - MU

The aim of this workshop is to get students started with the concept of the internet of things and develop their skills further using practical hands-on experiences. It’ll help in understanding the robotics future and scope along with the different microcontroller available in the industry & their use. Students will team up and build a path following robots on their own. This will provide a base knowledge to the community members so that they can work on more advanced skills in future workshops.


Jaipur, India

Battle of Keyboards Hackathon - MU

The aim is to create a hackathon atmosphere in a comparatively newer college and students to be involved in the hackathon culture. It is focused to empower students, showing that they are able to solve real problems of the real world.


Jaipur, India

Foundation To Open Source Workshop - MU

This is an Introductory workshop for freshers and sophomores to get them started with OpenSource. This workshop will introduce students version control, OpenSource, and help them make their first contribution. Students will also be introduced to hacktoberfest and Google Summer of Code.


Jaipur, India

Recent activity

No recent activity

Nitanshu has yet to plant their flag 🚩.