• National University of Modern Languages
  • Islamabad

Becoming an Expert

Becoming an Expert

How to complete the application to become a GitHub Campus Expert.

Becoming an Expert



An introduction to Campus Experts and campus communities.


Inclusive Communities

Inclusive Communities

How to start creating inclusive communities on campus.

Inclusive Communities

Information Design

Information Design

How to design workshops, worksheets, and other learning experiences from first principles.

Information Design

Public Speaking

Public Speaking

How to speak publicly, from writing a talk to wowing an audience.

Public Speaking

Introduction to Git

Introduction to Git

Take your first steps with Git, versioning your files and collaborating with confidence.

Introduction to Git

Community Impact

Community Impact

Apply what you've learnt by making a plan for the future of your community.

Community Impact

About Arsalan

Arsalan is a Computer Science student, studying in National University of Modern Languages (Islamabad). He loves the Javascript world, he is a full Stack (MERN) Developer. He’s also into open-source and was MLH’20 Fellow, where he was contributing actively to NextJs. Arsalan loves to speak at technical events and write blogs. He loves community building and is part of many communities including Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador - Islamabad where he leads the technical team. He is also a Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador and a DSC Lead.



Recent events

Git-ting Together Again

Developers Student Club welcomes you to the world of GitHub with another hands-on workshop Git-ing Together Again!


Lahore, Pakistan

Let's Git with Arsalan

If you’re an aspiring data scientist, web developer, open-source contributor, or from different background hoping to get into the development field, GitHub is something that you’ll be interested in


Lahore, Pakistan

JavaScript Engine V8

Learn how browsers handle Javascript code and convert it to machine readable format.


Islamabad, Pakistan

Step into Open Source

A 2 hours of the online session which is focused on Open Source and GitHub. 🚩


Islamabad, Pakistan

Recent activity

Git-ing Together Again

Have you ever wanted to collaborate on a project with a group of developers, but were worried about keeping track of updated codes? If yes, Developer Student Club LUMS (powered by Google), IEEE LUMS and IEEE Computer Science Society welcomes you to the world of Open Source with our workshop on GitHub: Git-ing Together Again! GitHub is a code hosting platform for version control and collaboration that allows you to work together on a project, keep track of everyone’s progress, and manage multiple versions of it. Moreover, it helps organize all your tech-related projects in one place. Therefore, in case you lose track of your working project, GitHub will be the guardian angel that has got you handled!

Let's Git with Arsalan

If you’re an aspiring data scientist, web developer, open-source contributor, or from different background hoping to get into the development field, Git is something that you’ll be interested in

Civic Hackathon 2020

This year’s VIRTUAL Hackathon will bring together a mix of technologists, designers, urban planners, social scientists, NGOs and CSOs, and government representatives to develop innovative solutions that have a positive social or civic impact using technology, data and digital tools. Over the course of about a week, you will work in teams to develop prototypes that tackle and address social and civic challenges in your communities related to the following six themes:

JavaScript Engine V8

A session focused on Javascript V8 Engine. This session is about the internal workings of the V8 Engine. From Source code to Machine language, there involve multiple steps that the V8 engine takes to convert and optimize your JavaScript, which as a JavaScript/Web Developer very essential to understand. It helps you to write better code which is more optimizable. If you are interested in the internal workings of a JavaScript engine specifically the V8 Engine, this session is for you.

Stepping into the world of Open Source

This is a 2 hours of meetup focused on Hacktoberfest, Open Source, Git and GitHub. We will start with an opening note, followed by the introduction of Hacktoberfest and Open source. Next, we will have a workshop on Git and GitHub which covers the basics. After that, we will talk about the GitHub Student Pack and how you can get free resources. Lastly, we will do a fun activity to put a smile on the audience’s face and refresh their mind.