Harshita Jain harshitajain165

GitHub Campus Expert
  • National Institute of Technology Hamirpur
  • Hamirpur

Becoming an Expert

Becoming an Expert

How to complete the application to become a GitHub Campus Expert.

Becoming an Expert



An introduction to Campus Experts and campus communities.


Inclusive Communities

Inclusive Communities

How to start creating inclusive communities on campus.

Inclusive Communities

Information Design

Information Design

How to design workshops, worksheets, and other learning experiences from first principles.

Information Design

Public Speaking

Public Speaking

How to speak publicly, from writing a talk to wowing an audience.

Public Speaking

Introduction to Git

Introduction to Git

Take your first steps with Git, versioning your files and collaborating with confidence.

Introduction to Git

Community Impact

Community Impact

Apply what you've learnt by making a plan for the future of your community.

Community Impact

About Harshita

Harshita (she/her) is an Electronics and Communication undergraduate at National Institute of Technology Hamirpur. A metaverse fanatic, she likes experimenting with AR/VR/MR/XR technologies to create immersive experiences. She has a knack for creative UI, graphic and game designing.

As a member of SPEC-NITH, she advocates for creation of community spaces that foster positive interaction and holistic development. Apart from exploring the various technical domains, she spends her time reading fiction. writing content that could be technical or fictitious in nature as well as racking her neurons to solve cryptic crosswords.

Connect with Harshita on:


unity 3d
spark ar

Recent events

Config Watch Party FOF Mumbai

Figma Config 2023 Watch Party by FOF Mumbai will be an epic evening of design, open-source, games, mouth-watering snacks, and exclusive Figma merch!

Design meetup and watch-party

Mumbai, India

Nimbus 2023

Annual technical festival of NIT Hamirpur


Hamirpur, India

Electrothon 5.0

Taking moonshots is no smooth sailing. It’s an inherently unpredictable ride. As we launch the 5th lunation of Electrothon, we strive for nothing less than the moon. Run by the student community - SPEC under the moonlight of NIT Hamirpur, Electrothon has impacted over 5000 sapiens. The Electrothon buzz had reached Area 51 and the alien fraternity wanted to join. However, they were quarantined because of the pandemic. But the sapiens who joined left no stone unturned to ideate and amalgamate technologies that transfigure visions into reality.


Hamirpur, India


Innovision is a pre-Nimbus event (NIMBUS being the annual technical festival of NIT Hamirpur) intended to give a glimpse of previous iterations of the technical extravaganza to the students.


Hamirpur, India

Boardroom for Hackers

What light is to a moth, a hackathon is to innovation. Targeting freshmen, a *Hackathon Culture Awareness Meet-up$ is being organized to handle all kinds of doubts about hackathon eco-system.


Hamirpur, India

NIMBUS 2K23 Orientation

NIMBUS, NIT Hamirpur’s annual technical fest is ready to host its Orientation Ceremony for the freshmen to provide them with a spectacle to a platform that shall help them showcase their unique ideas and concepts in the field of science and technology.

Techfest Orientation

Hamirpur, India


Git-mania is a workshop aimed to give a kickstart to the journey of freshmen into the world of Git and GitHub from basics to advanced. The workshop will also talk about the nuances of getting started with open-source contributions.


Hamirpur, India

DevFest Jammu

A conference for developers, designers and entrepreneurs

Conference, Techfest

Jammu, India

Breakout Brigade

Knock, Knock! Kickstart the freshmen journey by taking a plunge into designers domicile, hardware habitat, resume requisites, and demystifying development.


Hamirpur, India


Social Entrepreneurship Competition

Competition + Conference

Hamirpur, India


Project Based Frontend Web Development Bootcamp + Contest.

Bootcamp + Contest

Amritsar, India

Monsoon of Opportunities

The event Monsoon of Opportunities will provide the Sophomore and Junior year students with insights into all the technical opportunities/programs they can apply for in the upcoming academic sessions to enhance their skill set, resume and most importantly be part of experiences that can be life-changing in multiple aspects.


Hamirpur, India

All about GitHub Campus Experts Program

The session will serve as an overview for attendees to know more about the nuances of the GitHub Campus Experts program along with the eligibility requirements, Student Developer Pack, application timeline, application process, Campus Experts training and some general tips to make their application stand out.


Hamirpur, India

Git and GitHub Workshop

The Git and GitHub Workshop is a pre-event for Break the Barrier hackathon by LDRP Institute of Technology and Research.


Hamirpur, India


SPECFEST 2K22 is the annual fest of SPEC to honor the year-long hardwork of the team.


Hamirpur, India

Electrothon 4.0

The hackathon – ‘Electrothon’ aims to build an environment where people from diverse backgrounds come together and discuss state of the art ideas, share experiences and celebrate technology while finding solutions to societal problems along the way.


Hamirpur, India

Dive into Spark AR

A workshop on Spark AR and developing filters for Facebook and Instagram.


Guna, India

Dive Into Spark AR

The workshop aims to discuss various applications of AR/VR/MR/XR and the creation of an AR effect using Spark AR.


Hamirpur, India

Workshop on Arduino for IoT

In order to give the freshmen a dive into the world of engineering, SPEC is putting forth a Workshop on Arduino for Internet of Things that will focus on introducing them to the nuances of connecting and exchanging data with devices and systems over internet.


Hamirpur, India

Recent activity


Cradled in the laps of Dhauladhar, NIMBUS is the annual technical festival of National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur. A conglomerate of umpteen knowledge, riveting projects, NIMBUS has since its inception set the benchmark for the most grandeur and prestigious technical festival in North India. Comprising a gamut of events, guest lectures, enlightening workshops, and exhibitions, NIMBUS provides a myriad of opportunities for curious and ignited minds. This year, with the theme being Ascensio: Transcending the Archaic, Nimbus is all set to transcend the boundaries of the primitive and usher in a new age of scientific thinking.


Innovision is a pre-Nimbus event (NIMBUS being the annual technical festival of NIT Hamirpur) intended to give a glimpse of previous iterations of the technical extravaganza to the students. During Innovision, the departmental teams of NIMBUS showcase their past projects to students. The intent of the event is to set forth the map for the upcoming technical fest and shed light upon rapid technological advancements that have taken place over the decades.

Boardroom for Hackers

But what is a hackathon? It’s more than just a tech competition. It’s more than just a desire to outperform others. To tell the college freshmen precisely what it is like, Team SPEC is holding a Hackathon Culture Awareness Meet-up on January 21st, 2023 to handle all kinds of doubts about the hackathon ecosystem. Be it about the weak nerves of competing for the first time, or the curiosity of what’s in it for ‘me’ (from the freshmen pov), we shall cover it all.

NIMBUS 2K23 Orientation

NIMBUS, NIT Hamirpur’s annual technical fest is ready to host its Orientation Ceremony for the freshmen to provide them with a spectacle to a platform that shall help them showcase their unique ideas and concepts in the field of science and technology. The Orientation Ceremony shall be the inception of a technical festival that enables the freshmen to be more involved and that enables us to break down the long-standing limitations in a new era of innovation focusing on each person’s unique experiences.

DevFest Jammu

Google Developer Group Jammu is going to host one of the biggest developer events Devfest Jammu in collaboration with Jammu & Kashmir Entrepreneurship Development Institute. It shall be an all-day developer conference where the aim will be to focus on multiple technologies through lightning talks, sessions, workshops, etc.

Breakout Brigade

Inspired by the concept of GitHub Field Day India, Team SPEC presents *Breakout Brigade* - a novice concept of breakout rooms where each one of the attendees is not just a listener but a speaker as well. With an ambition to provide insights into much-needed engineering life, the three hours session would allow the freshmen to kickstart their journey by taking a plunge into the below-mentioned breakout rooms and discovering where their passion lies:

DevFest Delhi

Presented a lightning talk at DevFest New Delhi as a part of the ‘Community Track’ on Tech Communities, Gamification and Creativity.

SPEC X Vibhav Hacking Hacktober

Hacking Hacktober is an in-person internal workshop for the Executive Members of Team SPEC and Team Vibhav on the topics of git, GitHub, open-source, Hacktoberfest and non-code/low-code contributions.

Hackcon India

Presented a lightning talk embarking on the hackathon ecosystem and entitled “The Art of Work Delegation in Hackathons” at MLH Hackcon India.


Watch YouTube Live here

Monsoon of Opportunities

The event ‘Monsoon of Opportunities’ will provide the Sophomore and Junior year students with insights into all the technical opportunities/programs they can apply for in the upcoming academic sessions to enhance their skill set, resume and most importantly be part of experiences that can be life-changing in multiple aspects. The event shall witness qualifiers and experts discussing nuances of cracking programs such as Google Summer of Code, Google Season of Docs, Generation Google Scholarship, Desis Ascend Educare Program and a personal favourite - GitHub Campus Experts Program.


To give the freshmen a kickstart into the world of Git, GitHub and open-source, ‘Git-mania’ was organized. Git-mania aimed to cover everything about Git and GitHub starting from explaining the difference between the two to talking about remote and local to further explaining the git commands and other intricacies. A small discussion on starting with open-source was also carried out.