• Tribhuvan University
  • Kathmandu, Nepal

Becoming an Expert

Becoming an Expert

How to complete the application to become a GitHub Campus Expert.

Becoming an Expert



An introduction to Campus Experts and campus communities.


Inclusive Communities

Inclusive Communities

How to start creating inclusive communities on campus.

Inclusive Communities

Information Design

Information Design

How to design workshops, worksheets, and other learning experiences from first principles.

Information Design

Public Speaking

Public Speaking

How to speak publicly, from writing a talk to wowing an audience.

Public Speaking

Introduction to Git

Introduction to Git

Take your first steps with Git, versioning your files and collaborating with confidence.

Introduction to Git

Community Impact

Community Impact

Apply what you've learnt by making a plan for the future of your community.

Community Impact

About Binod

Binod is a data science and open source enthusiast. He is computer science undergrad at Tribhuvan University. Previously, he was a Microsoft Student Partner where he conducted Microsoft events at Asian College of Higher Studies. Currently, he is co-founder of DataSansar and community leader of R User Group Nepal.

Besides that, he enjoys reading books, loves volunteering, public speaking and travelling. You may read his data science blog.

Connect him with: LinkedIn | GitHub | Twitter | Instagram


data analysis
machine learning
technical writing
public speaking

Recent events

Team Colloboration with GitHub (Provathon)

This workshop is part of Provathon 2021 is the Nation-wide Hackathon to enhance your soft-skill and can be a place from where you can start paving the path for a startup.


Kathmandu, Nepal

Data Week

A peer-to-peer to learning session (8 series) where mentor help participants to get started working with data, summarize and visualize to data to come up with meaningful insights.


Kathmandu, Nepal

Learning R with Group

A learning session (8 series) to help participants get familiar with R language and help them understand statistics via programming.


Online, Nepal

Git and GitHub - Workshop (Online)

A two days online workshop to give the participants knowledge of basics of Git and GitHub focused on students who wants to get started.

Workshop Online

Kathmandu, Nepal

Student Dev Share

A student focused event to build and share the projects in the event.


Kathmandu, Nepal

Open Data Hackathon

We’re bringing data enthusiasts to work on open data projects and contribute it for social good.


Kathmandu, Nepal

Learn-a-thon 2020

Learn-a-thon is a series of events in different places targeted for students. Our objective is to introduce participants with open source technology and help them get started with peer-to-peer learning and enhance their skills.


Kathmandu, Nepal

BernHack 2020

The hackathon is organized for students to help cultivate their skills and turn their innovative ideas into product.


Kathmandu, Nepal

Global Azure Bootcamp - RUGNepal

On April 27, 2019, come and join us together with R User Group Nepal to celebrate sixth great Global Azure Bootcamp event! We will organize one day deep dive class on Azure the way they see fit and how cloud computing works. The result is that thousands of people get to learn about Azure and join together online under the social hashtag #GlobalAzure!


Kathmandu, Nepal


A week-long bootcamp with team collaboration in project with the mentor-learner partnership throughout a month. Train & walk-through full Data Science cycle/process capturing transformation from raw, messy real-world data set into tidy form and the output/model, visualization or final document/published via GitHub.ctrical events among students from various national level colleges as well as non-competitive events like exhibition, seminars, paper presentation, gaming competitions, simulation competition and many more providing a platform for interaction and healthy competition among creative minds in technical fie...


Kathmandu, Nepal

R-Ladies Learns

R-Ladies Learns is a workshop and meetups focused for ladies to help them learn R. We exists to promote gender diversity in R community. Our priority is to provide a safe community space for anyone identifying as a minority gender who is interested in and/or working with R.


Kathmandu, Nepal

Locus 2019

Locus 2019 is the 16th National Tech Festival. Every year Locus conducts many skill development programs, competitive hardware, software and electrical events among students from various national level colleges as well as non-competitive events like exhibition, seminars, paper presentation, gaming competitions, simulation competition and many more providing a platform for interaction and healthy competition among creative minds in technical fields and marketing management.


Lalitpur, Nepal

Everest Hack 2019

Everest Hack is a three days hackathon where students, designers, entrepreneurs, hackers, and problem solvers come together in small teams to share ideas and to develop innovative solutions to the challenges presented and faced by our societies through the medium of technology.


Kathmandu, Nepal

Git & GitHub Workshop

One day workshop of Git & GitHub workshop for ACHS Students


Kathmandu, Nepal


Kathfest is the 2 day annual tech-festival where students get an opportunity to showcase their projects and talents.

Technical Fest

Lalitpur, Nepal

LocalHackDay RUGNepal

A global hackathon and celebration of learning, building, and sharing! Whether you’re a first timer who is learning to program or you go to hackathons every weekend, everyone is welcome to participate!tal WellBeing where they will highlight and discuss the tools and features that help people better understand their tech usage, focus on what matters most.


Kathmandu, Nepal

Yantra Learning

Yantra Learning is annual machine learning hackathon of Yantra organized by Robotics Association of Nepal.


Kathmandu, Nepal

Recent activity