Abel Ayuba adugamayuba

Github Campus Expert
  • Veritas University Abuja
  • Abuja

Becoming an Expert

Becoming an Expert

How to complete the application to become a GitHub Campus Expert.

Becoming an Expert



An introduction to Campus Experts and campus communities.


Inclusive Communities

Inclusive Communities

How to start creating inclusive communities on campus.

Inclusive Communities

Information Design

Information Design

How to design workshops, worksheets, and other learning experiences from first principles.

Information Design

Public Speaking

Public Speaking

How to speak publicly, from writing a talk to wowing an audience.

Public Speaking

Introduction to Git

Introduction to Git

Take your first steps with Git, versioning your files and collaborating with confidence.

Introduction to Git

Community Impact

Community Impact

Apply what you've learnt by making a plan for the future of your community.

Community Impact

About Abel

Abel is an Android Developer, he loves using cloud technologies such as Firebase and many other, he refers to himself as a tech evangelist, he loves building his tech community and tech Eco system, he is an entrepreneur currently pursuing a major in Entrepreneurship at Veritas University Abuja. When he’s not sitting in front of his laptop or involved in a Tech community activities you can probably catch him spending his time on netflix or reading amazing books. He has the drive to learn new and awesome technology, he love’s learning on the face of his job and love’s challenging challenges. Meeting and networking is one thing Abel love’s doing. He is not but learning to be an amazing FOODIE. you can locate him on the internet using @adugamayuba


google material design
android studio
rest api
cloud computing
rest api

Recent events

Hacktoberfest hackers night

Hacktoberfest — brought to you by DigitalOcean in partnership with DEV — is a month-long celebration of open source software. Maintainers are invited to guide would-be contributors towards issues that will help move the project forward, and contributors get the opportunity to give back to both projects they like and others they’ve just discovered. No contribution is too small — bug fixes and documentation updates are valid ways of participating.


Abuja, Nigeria

National Software Submit

The National Software Summit is an annual event that bring students from all areas of Information communication and Technology (ICT) such as Computer Sciences, Computer Engineering, Electrical / Electronic Engineering, Information Technology Engineering and its related field from all Institutions in Nigeria and across west Africa to develop and empower themselves with global Software knowledge as strategic instrument for facilitating and building skilled capacities for self-reliance, wealth creation and national security - applying global Information, Communications Technology Best Practices.


Abuja, Nigeria

Recent activity

Introduction to Git Using Github 🚩

Hacktoberfest is open to everyone in our global community. Whether you’re a developer, student learning to code, event host, or company of any size, you can help drive growth of open source and make positive contributions to an ever-growing community. All backgrounds and skills levels are encouraged to complete the challenge.

Introduction to Git Using Github 🚩

Introducing university students to Git and Github so that they can efficiently use open source and make the most out of it. Target audience of this workshop were community members.