• ESI | Ecole nationale Supérieure d'Informatique
  • Algiers

Becoming an Expert

Becoming an Expert

How to complete the application to become a GitHub Campus Expert.

Becoming an Expert



An introduction to Campus Experts and campus communities.


Inclusive Communities

Inclusive Communities

How to start creating inclusive communities on campus.

Inclusive Communities

Information Design

Information Design

How to design workshops, worksheets, and other learning experiences from first principles.

Information Design

Public Speaking

Public Speaking

How to speak publicly, from writing a talk to wowing an audience.

Public Speaking

Introduction to Git

Introduction to Git

Take your first steps with Git, versioning your files and collaborating with confidence.

Introduction to Git

Community Impact

Community Impact

Apply what you've learnt by making a plan for the future of your community.

Community Impact

About Yasser DRIF

Will change this Later. Linkedin - Facebook


sql server
ui/ux design
adobe xd
graphic design
adobe photoshop
adobe illustrator
technical writing

Recent events

No recent events

Reach out to Yasser DRIF to see if they are organizing something 🍳

Recent activity

Hackathon - Leapfrog Hack

Leapfrog Hack is a largest Hackathon in Africa focused on the leverage of leapfrog technologies, Organized as part of the Smart Cities global investors and technology summit 2018 By CSE Club and the wilaya of Algiers. An international jury, and various business/technology mentors from various parts of the world, will be joining the events, along with the participation of global technology players, venture capital and policy makers.

Hackathon - Hack iT

Hack !T is a community led hackathon organized By the Scientific Club of ESI, focused on sharing experiences building application using different technologies. Hack !T enables developers to express their creativity and focus on Coding of three continuous days.

APP - Toggle Tweaker

An open source script for windows 10 with purpose of tweaking your windows install by removing stuff like windows apps _ Cortana _ Edge, you can also tweak the personalization settings that are hidden and almost everything have a restore option.