• Universidad Cuauhtémoc Querétaro
  • Querétaro, Qro. México

Becoming an Expert

Becoming an Expert

How to complete the application to become a GitHub Campus Expert.

Becoming an Expert

Module 0

Module 0

How to get started with the GitHub Campus Expert training.

Module 0



An introduction to Campus Experts and campus communities.


Technical Writing

Technical Writing

What technical writing means and how GitHub designs content.

Technical Writing

Contributing to your Career

Contributing to your Career

How open source can benefit your technical career, and how to make your first contribution.

Contributing to your Career

Git Tips & Tricks

Git Tips & Tricks

Level up your Git skills with these handy tricks, including Git hooks, rebasing and dealing with conflicts.

Git Tips & Tricks

GitHub Pages

GitHub Pages

Learn how to make and deploy a website with Jekyll & GitHub Pages.

GitHub Pages

About Jose Gama

My name is Jose Manuel Gama, but you can call me Gama. I am currently studying an engineering in computer systems in the Universidad Cuauhtémoc in Querétaro, México. :mexico:


In my free time outside of school I like to learn new things and love read books, I spend a lot of time reading :books: (actually my girlfriend gets mad at me because I spend more time reading than with her) my favorite reading topics are:

  • Science :microscope:
  • Technology :desktop_computer:
  • Science fiction. :alien:
  • Futuristic novels. :rocket:

Some days I like to go out of the city and practice rock climbing or mountain biking. :mountain_bicyclist:


technical writing

Recent events

PythonDay Mx 2018

An event to share, learn and create more community around this programming language.


Guadalajara, Jalisco, México

Python Day Mexico 2018

PythonDay Mexico is an event that will have workshops and conferences given by and for Python developers


Zapopan, Mexico

Recent activity

No recent activity

Jose Gama has yet to plant their flag 🚩.