Rodrigo Medina

Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey

🇧🇷 27. CESAR Summer Job 2019.2

Brasil, Recife, CESAR Summer Job.

Post Event


This was the second edition of Cesar Summer Job in 2019. I had the opportunity to participate in one of the three Neonergia Teams.


This event has the attendance of 70 persons, only students, most of them are between 20 and 25 years old, but from different disciplines. This is a very good thing, as the solution for the problem planted, needs to have strong arguments. Each team needs to be from 4 to 5 students and they were selected by CESAR staff.


We use most of the CESAR buildings as a venue. This because in CESAR school, we had the necessary material and space for taking our training, but at CESAR apollo, we had the perfect space to work. Also, CESAR gave us a temporary laptop to help us creating the needed solution. Inside the venue, there was water, fruits, and a kitchen.

Planning vs Implementation

All the event run according to the plans, they had a schedule for all the event, so we knew what to do and when to deliver it. The first two weeks were for defining the problem and matching the expectations with the actual solution. The next three weeks were for designing and developing the solution. The final week we had training for creating the pitch, which we would use to present it to our sponsors. The event went well except for two days that they didn’t prevent holidays in the city so the scheduled has to be rearranged.


  • Venue 🚀
  • Talks 🗣
  • Attendance 👾
  • Foooooood 🌭🌮
  • Friendship 😎
  • Event organization
  • Extra activities
  • Caipirinhas, Surf and passinho.


  • The main issue I had was how I received my scholarship because I received it in cash as the company was unable to deposit directly to my account. Despite this, I loved everything else.


This event is focused on showing students some of the real problems that are facing companies in Brazil. We received a problem, and we had 6 weeks to propose a solution. I had the opportunity of participating in one of the three teams of Neoenergia, and propose a complete platform as a solution. It went so well that we even appeared on Brasilian news