Luis E. Jiménez Robles

ESDEN Business School

The very first GitHub community in Baja ¡Cimadev!

After months of hard work completing the GitHub Campus Expert modules, October the 3rd I received the announcement that I was accepted to be a Campus expert at my city, the first one where I live and second in my country, Mexico. It was a great day, everything was going excellent and when I arrived home I started planning how can I execute all the papers I did for the program so the first thing I did was to investigate what are the things students need the most at my school. After the research I found a lack of:

  • Partnership with tech companies.
  • Oportunitites as student to do research.
  • Study groups where students find support to pass their classes.
  • Actual assignments at the career ( career plan was from a few years back).

If I wanted to attack those problems I needed a group of talented students to get support from, colaborate and create new and insteresting things as a community organizing team so I was looking for those students and two days later I found the perfect ones.

That’s how Cimadev was born, a tech community at my schoool (Universidad Autonoma de Baja California) fully managed by students for students with special areas of interest:

  • Machine Learning.
  • Virtual Reality.
  • Web Development.
  • Industry vinculation.
  • Tech talks by talented developers.
  • Groups of study for topics of interest.

This is where you’ll find us -> Facebook group -> Facebook page -> Github org